




Lordy, It’s been hard to maintain a daily writing schedule.  Maybe I’m not cut out to be a writer even tho I really, really love how I feel sitting here at my temporary desk on the screen porch (a rusty table that the antique dealer, knowing a rube when she saw one, told me it came straight from a cafe in Paris) listening to the catbirds in the maple tree and on my third cup of coffee.  I’m dressed in black so I could be mistaken for a real writer, say Neil Gaiman –  if he were a 70 year old red head hunting and pecking on a keyboard and occasionally looking for ideas by staring at the neighborhood cats stalking squirrels, the carpenter bees chewing the porch timbers or the wind moving the leaves.

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Blogs I Follow

  • Jane Lomas - writer
  • tracey doxey
  • Jonathan Pomroy
  • The Travelling Bookbinder
  • 现在可以用的梯子
  • slowly she turned
  • My Shetland Garden
  • Barbara Harman's Blog
  • A Planetary Collage - Timothy C. Ely
  • Mary Laura Philpott
  • Lost Art Press
  • Byopia Press
  • Chad Alice Hagen
  • Jeff Peachey